Our vision at Mickleton Primary School, is to develop enthusiastic, confident and resilient learners, who have the knowledge and skills they need to fulfil their aspirations as responsible citizens.

Mickleton Primary School

To become the person I need to be


Mickleton Primary School 




Classroom Organisation 

Writing is taught as whole class lessons so that children have access to the age-related skills and knowledge contained in the National Curriculum. Within lessons, all children will explore writing that is appropriately challenged to their ability. Our writing curriculum ensures that children do not move on to more complex content before they have mastered pre-requisite knowledge, support is given for children who need extra intervention.


Writing is taught through an adaptive approach where children are immersed in a shared text and then innovate and develop their writing stemming from this. Each year group has a list of core texts, taken from our reading spine lists, which are used to support children's writing. This provides opportunities for writing in a wide range of both fictional and non-fictional extended forms, in different genres and for a variety of audiences/purpose.

We passionately believe that reading and writing are inextricably linked therefore studying texts in both reading and writing sessions encourages children to make links and become empathetic and ambitious writers. Please click here to open an example of one of our Reading Spines.


I am a Clever Writer 

Good teaching of phonics, reading and handwriting go ‘hand in hand’ with lessons on writing to produce confident writers. The schools uses ‘I am a Clever Writer’ as a basis for teaching writing skills throughout the week.


I am a Clever Writer is a 'clear structured approach to teaching writing' where each skill of writing is broken down in small steps to allow pupils to experience success with their writing.

Teaching sequences are carefully planned to ensure opportunities for consolidation and the development of a skill relating to the Clever Writer Checklist. The Clever Writer Checklist remains visible and accessible within the learning environment and added to as new skills are introduced.



What A Good One Looks Like – is created based on the stimulus text and supports pupils to identify and mimic the identified features in their own writing. This is done with both fiction and non-fiction units. 


Big Write

On Friday, the children take part in an extended writing activity on a text type. The aspects of spelling, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary taught during the week should be evident in the children’s extended writing. These strands are taught to match the curriculum for each year group, becoming increasingly complex as the children become more highly skilled. 


Grammar and Vocabulary

All children are taught grammar lessons as part of their writing coverage. Vocabulary forms a vital part of developing children's writing and reading ability. Children are praised for developing their vocabulary and adults support this through their teaching alongside age appropriate 'WOW Word' coverage and word banks within lessons.


Handwriting We teach letter formation (including pen grip) in Reception and Year 1 through Read Write Inc. Letter formation is linked to the children’s learning in phonics, so they have the skills  and knowledge to write words using the graphemes they have been taught.

We begin to introduce cursive handwriting from the end of Year 2. Handwriting is taught in our spelling lessons and applied throughout all other curriculum subjects.  If you would like to help your child with letter formation, then please go here for a guide:  

For more information about the handwriting scheme we follow go to: and




Phonics is taught to all children in daily sessions that are tailored to each child’s ability starting in Reception and continuing throughout Year 1 and Year 2. We follow Ruth Miskin’s ‘Read Write Inc.’ scheme of phonics.  Children are taught in ability groups to enable focused development of their phonics knowledge and application. The children's spellings are linked to their phonics learning. For more information go to:

In KS2, we use Spelling Shed to support teaching. All parents have access to SpellingFrame in order to support their child with learning; this learning takes place through the playing of a range of fun games and the children can earn 'spelling points' by engaging in this activity.


Supporting your child to write at home


Useful Websites and Resources for Parents


Grammar and punctuation terminology explained:

Grammar_and_Punctuation_Subject_Knowledge (3).pdf

Picture and video stimulus for writing at home:

Other useful websites:

Apps for supporting teaching of handwriting at home:

Apps for supporting story writing at home:

  • Calendar Dates

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  • Attendance

    • Reception 95%%
    • Year 1 97%%
    • Year 2 95%%
    • Year 3 98%%
    • Year 4 92%%
    • Year 5 97%%
    • Year 6 97%%
    Whole School - 96%%
  • Prospective Parents

  • Class Pages
