Mickleton Primary School
To become the person I need to be
Mickleton Primary School Staff
Senior Leadership
Mr Roberts - Headteacher
Miss Condon - Deputy Headteacher
Class Teachers
Mrs Causon & Mrs Cardwell - Reception class teachers
Miss Packe - Year 1 class teacher.
Miss Smith - Year 2 teacher
Mrs Mace / Mrs. Gibbons - Year 3 class teachers
Miss Thurlow - Year 4 class teacher
Mrs Brown - Year 5 class teacher
Miss Britt - Year 6 class teacher
Mrs Neale - PPA cover
Learning Assistants
Mrs Barnes
Mrs Wright
Mrs Arthey
Ms McAlinden
Mrs Pallet
Mrs Trippick
Mrs Tongue
Mrs Rawlings
Mrs Rainbow
Miss Meade
Office Staff
Mrs Reeve
Site Maintenance Team
Mr Barnes
DSL's - Mr. Roberts, Miss. Condon Miss. Britt and Mrs. Wright.
Mickleton Primary School is committed to the safeguarding of all its learners, staff and visitors. Safeguarding is a priority with arrangements in place to ensure learners feel, and are safe on school premises and during off site activities. The learner experience and individual achievements are paramount and safeguarding initiatives are developed to impact positively upon this. The school ensures safeguarding legislation and guidance are adhered to and taken into account when developing and revisiting policies, procedures and associated arrangements. The school provides a safe physical environment for its learners and staff, ensuring that premises are of a good standard. Health & Safety arrangements are in place to ensure adherence to current legislation and guidance.