Mickleton Primary School
To become the person I need to be
We believe the best way to fully appreciate what Mickleton is all about is to come and see us. We welcome school tours which can be booked through the school office.
Telephone number - 01386 438393.
We look forward to meeting you.
The school uniform
All school uniform is ordered from Wreal Sports. Either online (www.wrealsports.co.uk) or from their shop at Unit 4C, Hawthorne Court, Bourton Business Park, Bourton-on-the-Water, GL54 2HQ.
A combination of the following is expected.
Mid-blue checked dress or white polo shirt
School logo cardigan or school logo sweatshirt.
Pinafore dress, skirt (charcoal grey) or trousers or shorts (charcoal grey)
School sweatshirt with logo on
Charcoal grey socks or white socks with dresses
Black school shoes (no trainers)
Charcoal grey tights
Hair accessories need to be small and in school colours (blue or white).
Hair of a long length (lower that the ears) must be tied back.
Forest School PE sweatshirt and jogging trousers or waterproof overtrousers (new - available from Wreal Sports), appropriate outdoor footwear.
Jewellery: children are permitted to wear watches and stud ear-rings (these must be removed for PE). For health and safety reasons, no other jewellery should be worn.
It is essential, for reasons of health, comfort and safety that the correct kit is worn. The child will not take part in the PE lesson and the parents will be informed. We will not call home for the kit to be brought in.
Please ensure that all articles of clothing and other belongings are clearly labelled with your son’s/daughter’s name.