Mickleton Primary School
To become the person I need to be
The aim of the PTFA is "to advance the education of pupils by engaging in activities and providing facilities and equipment which support the school whilst also developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school."
All parents and teachers are automatically members of the association and the 'F' in the PTFA means carers, grandparents and the wider community can also get involved. We welcome anyone who wants to support our school.
A committee was formally appointed at the AGM and the members are as follows:
Chair - Charlotte Pritchard
Vice Chair - Sarah Gibson
Treasurer - Fraser Clark
Secretary - Emma Clark
Teacher Member - Miss Angus
Ordinary Committee Members - Alison Tarry, Kevin Hobkirk
We are really excited to work with you to help enrich the education of all the children at Mickleton Primary School. We hope that you will get involved and support our PTFA!
If you would like help, donate, volunteer or contribute then we'd love to hear from you! Feel free to send us an email at: ptfa@mickleton.gloucs.sch.uk
An easy way to support us is to register with Easy Fundraising. They will make a donation to our PTFA every time you do online shopping with sites such as Amazon, Sainsburys, Argos etc. and it doesn't cost a penny. Click the links below to sign-up now!