Our vision at Mickleton Primary School, is to develop enthusiastic, confident and resilient learners, who have the knowledge and skills they need to fulfil their aspirations as responsible citizens.

Mickleton Primary School

To become the person I need to be


Notifying the School of a child's absence 


Following visits from the Area Welfare Officer we have been advised of the necessity for written notification of absence on your child’s return to school even if we have received a message by telephone. Please could you inform the School Office of your child’s illness before 9.30am on the first day of absence. If you do not call then we are required to call you.


If your child has a dental/doctor’s appointment, please provide a note to arrange the early collection of your child.


Guidance Notes for Parents requesting Leave in Term Time


  1. Parents wishing the school to consider granting leave of absence in school term time should read these notes carefully and then complete and send to the Headteacher a form available from the school office.  This form should be sent to the school in time for the request to be considered well before the desired period of absence.  Parents are strongly advised not to finalise any holiday booking arrangements before receiving the school’s decision on their request.  In any event the request form must be received by the school at least four weeks before the departure date to allow sufficient time for appropriate consideration.


  1. The granting of leave of absence in school term time is, by law, a matter for consideration and decision by the school.  There is no automatic right to any leave in term time.  The Department for Education (DfE) and Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) policy is that family holidays should not be taken in school term time.  Where such requests are made, for the leave to be granted, the Headteacher should decide if there are exceptional circumstances (examples on the reverse).


  1. Each case will be considered individually and on its own merits.  Parents need, therefore, to consider very carefully before making any request for leave of absence the demands of the National and wider School Curriculum especially at the Key Stage assessment stage.  In considering a request, the school will take account of: -


  • the exceptional circumstances stated that have given rise to the request;
  • the age of the child;
  • the stage of the child’s education and progress and the effects of the requested absence on both elements;
  • the overall attendance pattern of the child;
  • the nature of the trip.
  • students/pupils on examination courses or due to take SATS will not normally be granted leave of absence.


  1. Where parents have children in more than one school a separate request must be made to each school.  The Headteacher of each school will make their own decision based on the factors relating to the child at their school.  It is possible that because of these factors different decisions may be made.  It is hoped that if this situation arises parents will be persuaded to accept the reasons for refusal given and, thereby, withdraw any other requests.


  1.        Where requests for a grant of leave of absence are received from only one parent the response letter – agreeing or refusing – will be either addressed to both/all parents where they live at the same address or to each where they do not.  This is to ensure, particularly in the case of a refusal, that both or all ‘parents’ are fully aware of the consequences of ignoring a refusal as the refusal letter clearly states that each parent will receive a penalty notice.


  1.        Should the school decide to grant leave of absence but, the child does not return to school at the time s/he was expected to (i.e. following the expiry of the granted leave of absence period) and, no information is available to the school to explain/justify the continuing absence or, make known the whereabouts of the child, his/her place at the school could be lost.


  1.       Should the School decide not to grant leave of absence and parents still take their child out of school the absence will be recorded as unauthorised which may be subject to a Holiday Penalty Notice fine of £60 per parent per child.  If not paid within 21 days this fine increases to £120 per parent per child.  Failure to pay the £120 fine within the period 22 to 28 days may lead to Court proceedings.


Examples of exceptional circumstances where leave may be granted during term time

  • Funeral of parent, grandparent or sibling – Headteachers should use their discretion having heard from parents about travel and funeral arrangements and taking into account the distance to be travelled.
  •  Sudden loss of housing through eviction or domestic violence - up to a maximum of 3 days.
  •  Serious illness of a close relative – only if Headteacher is satisfied that the circumstances are truly exceptional.
  • Out of school programmes such as music, arts or sport operating at a high standard of achievement and agreed by the LA – as appropriate.
  •  Time-off relating to Child Entertainment Performances, subject to a license being issued by Education Social Work Service.
  •  Religious observance – The Education Act 1996 S444(3) (c), states ‘’on any day exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which his/her parent belongs’’. This would include the Islamic Eids, as well as religious observance days of the orthodox Christian, Jewish and other religions. Headteachers may specify that only one day will be authorised at a time (most of the families who request leave on religious grounds are Muslim and the request is for the two Eids).
  •  Weddings of parents and siblings – weddings can be arranged at weekends or during school holidays; however, we acknowledge that there are times when the dates are dependent on other factors, such as the needs of the couple getting married. Leave should only be authorised for this purpose when a Headteacher is satisfied that here is a persuasive reason for holding the wedding during term time. In difficult family situations the Headteacher may use his/her discretion in granting leave, for example where natural parents are separated, and in new relationships and it may cause a child further difficulties if he/she is excluded from a wedding. Each case should be addressed on its individual merits, taking into account the overall welfare of the child.


Examples of circumstances NOT considered as exceptional 

  • Holidays abroad for the purpose of visiting a sick relative, excepting where that person is seriously ill. Medical evidence may be requested.
  •  Pilgrimages by parents (eg. Hajj). These are rare but can result in children being away from school for significant periods of time (at least 5 days). They are not regarded as exceptional as children themselves do not perform Hajj, but tend to travel with their parents when they go.
  •  Holidays taken in term time due to lower cost/parental work commitment/family celebrations.

Gloucestershire School Attendance Leaflet

Gloucestershire Prosecution for Nonattendance at School Leaflet

  • Calendar Dates

    • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
    Read more
  • Attendance

    • Reception 95%%
    • Year 1 97%%
    • Year 2 95%%
    • Year 3 98%%
    • Year 4 92%%
    • Year 5 97%%
    • Year 6 97%%
    Whole School - 96%%
  • Prospective Parents

  • Class Pages
