Our vision at Mickleton Primary School, is to develop enthusiastic, confident and resilient learners, who have the knowledge and skills they need to fulfil their aspirations as responsible citizens.

Mickleton Primary School

To become the person I need to be

Medication in School

Medication in School


We ask that, whenever possible, medicines are administered by parents at home. If it is necessary to ask us to administer prescribed medicines in school, we ask you and your child to follow these procedures in the interests of your child’s health and wellbeing.


  1. All prescribed medicines (including inhalers for asthmatics) must be clearly

    labelled with the child’s name, dosage and frequency of dosage. You are required to complete a form, available below or from the office if your child needs to bring medication into school.


  2. All prescribed medicines (except asthma inhalers which are kept by the

    Class teacher) must be handed in to the school office, preferably by an adult. These medicines will be kept in the fridge and administered by the Class teacher or teaching assistant at the agreed time to the child in their class.
