Our vision at Mickleton Primary School, is to develop enthusiastic, confident and resilient learners, who have the knowledge and skills they need to fulfil their aspirations as responsible citizens.

Mickleton Primary School

To become the person I need to be

THRIVE and looking after Mental Health.

Thrive at Mickleton - all children access Thrive at Mickleton Primary School as it is an approach we have adopted as a team. Whilst some of the children have regular Thrive sessions during the week, all have access to the Thrive resources and teaching styles throughout the day. We encourage our children to talk about their feelings and this culture is developing positively across our school.

Whole School Well Being Day - Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Local Family Services.

Our new Thrive Room. Opened February 2022.

What is THRIVE?


"The Thrive Approach is a dynamic, developmental and trauma-sensitive approach to meeting the emotional and social needs of children." (THRIVE). Mickleton Primary School is committed to embedding THRIVE across the school to support emotional health and well being of all children in both key stages.

  Here at Mickleton we use THRIVE to identify individual children who may need support in at least one of these particular areas. Our SENDCO leads a weekly THRIVE session where children are supported on a one to one basis in the THRIVE learning area. They take part in activities such as mindfulness, play therapy, painting, puppetry and music. The THRIVE approach continue back in class where every child identified has an action plan which is shared with the class teacher and Teaching assistant. These actions ensure consistency in approach in all areas around school.

Mental Health Support in Gloucestershire

  • Calendar Dates

    • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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  • Attendance

    • Reception 95%%
    • Year 1 97%%
    • Year 2 95%%
    • Year 3 98%%
    • Year 4 92%%
    • Year 5 97%%
    • Year 6 97%%
    Whole School - 96%%
  • Prospective Parents

  • Class Pages
