Mickleton Primary School
To become the person I need to be
Mickleton Primary School
For every child to develop to develop a love of music as well as their talents as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.
Music Curriculum
The music curriculum at Mickleton School is one of enjoyment, repetition and practice following the National Curriculum using the KAPOW music scheme, whole class instrumental teaching (supported by GCC Music) and an understanding of music throughout time.
In recognition of the starting points of many of our children, our music curriculum provides a breadth of exciting, purposeful learning experiences to ensure a rapid development of knowledge, skills, independence and confidence. The aim is for our children to enjoy music and develop the necessary skills and experience in musical history, listening, appraising, composition and performance, both singing and playing instruments.
Our curriculum intent includes planned opportunities to:
Children leave our school as able, confident, respectful musicians ready to develop and enjoy further learning experiences.
The music curriculum follows the National Curriculum using the KAPOW music scheme, whole class instrumental teaching (supported by GCC music) and an understanding of music throughout time.
Individual music are offered to all children from Year Two upwards, these are taught by private teachers. The children may learn guitar, brass and piano.
Children also learn the history of music and information about composers. The children listen to music across the chronological history starting with medieval chants, Renaissance period, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary. All children also have the opportunity to listen and appraise ‘World Music.’
Differentiation is through support and questioning recognising some children may need instruments to be simplified or modelled more closely. Those who are more able are also supported and tasks and instrument choices extended.
The teaching of music is enriched through: