Mickleton Primary School
To become the person I need to be
At Mickleton Primary School we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers.
We follow the 'Gloucestershire Graduated Pathway' for children with SEND needs. In addition to this we have our own preliminary pathway for children whom we identify as having 'additional needs'.
Our curriculum promotes learning, personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum but also the range of additional opportunities that our school provides to enrich the experiences of our children no matter where their strengths may be.
Our inclusive approach and ethos enables all of our children to access their learning confidently and we offer support where necessary to ensure that every child has a positive and happy experience in school.
If you have any concerns at all we strongly recommend contacting the school SENCO via the school office.
SENDCO Afternoon Tea
Every half term we invite our parents/carers of our children with SEND into school to meet up and have a chat with one another and the SENDCO (Nikki Britt).
We invite speakers in and share some of our current school developments surrounding SEND, before breaking for coffee and cake, and an informal chat.
Our last event was well attended and we welcomed our new Speech and Language Therapist, Becky Sherington.
Our next coffee morning is Wednesday 11th December 2024 and we will be joined by our Early help Coordinator.
For more information please contact Nikki Britt (SENDCO)
Our Dyslexia Pathway at Mickleton
In order to identify common signs of dyslexia we follow the Gloucestershire Graduated SEND Pathways approach
After initial focus on Quality First teaching we would offer a dyslexia screening assessment through 'Nessy'. Please note this does NOT diagnose dyslexia but identifies some possible interventions to support your child in particular areas.
If areas are recognised through this initial screening process, your child will then take part in daily NESSY learning intervention. Progress will be monitored and screening checks will be repeated to ensure the provision is effective.
Ten percent of the population are believed to be dyslexic, but it is still often poorly understood. With the right support, the strengths and talents of dyslexic people can really shine. (The Dyslexia society)
Our current CPD programme is focusing around dyslexia so that staff are trained and have an awareness of how to support any children who may have dyslexic tendencies.
At Mickleton School we use the Nessy Screening programme if we have any concerns that a child may have dyslexia. This screening programme is used widely across the country in school settings.
If you have any concerns about your child please contact Miss Britt (SENDCO) at school.
Listed below are some useful resources for dyslexia support:
An introduction to Dyslexia
The Dyslexia society support website
If you have any concerns about your child please do not hesitate to contact our school SENCO.
Our school SENCO is Miss Nikki Britt: send@mickleton.gloucs.sch.uk